Friday, October 13, 2006

Directions to First General Baptist Church

This Sunday, our very own Pastor Mike will be delivering the message at both the morning and evening services at First General Baptist Church in Indianapolis.

The church is most easily reached by exiting 465 at Mann Rd and going north (inside the 465 loop). The first major cross street (though several blocks in) is Kentucky Avenue. You actually need to turn right at the last block before Kentucky, which is Mooresville Road. The church is a couple of blocks down on the left.

For those of you who want to mapquest it yourself, the address of the church is:
3950 W Mooresville Rd
Indianapolis IN 46221

And if you are likely to get lost, either way, the phone number is 247-9256.
We hope to see you there!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Group Activity: Pitch in Lunch

We'll be pitching in for a group lunch on Sunday Aug 20th and hope everyone will stay for fun and fellowship.

The Edwards will have hamburgers and hot dogs, and the usual drinks.

If you are able to come, please bring a dish to share. Here are some ideas:
Potato Salad
Cole Slaw
Potato Chips

Ask a friend to join us! Even if they can't come for Bible study, they are welcome to come meet us over lunch. See you there!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ladies Activity: Scrapbooking

The Ladies of the Living Room will be getting together for a crop on Saturday, August 5th. We are planning on heavy-duty scrapping from 12-5, but you can come anytime 10-??.
Once I drag all this stuff out, I'm scrapping all day.

I will have scrap-friendly snacks (M&Ms and pretzels), and boys are banished from the house. There will be a separate scrap table for the kids. I'm trying to find my DIY Scrapbook Marathon Videos, but the TVs got digital music to keep us singing.

Here's what I've got that you don't have to bring:

  • coluzzle (circle, square, star, raindrop, heart puzzle, alphas, doll, 8x10

  • puzzle & puzzle alpha set)

  • ShapeBoss, some templates

  • heat gun (+metallic embossing powders and versamark stamp)

  • stamps (kids, bugs, animals, flowers, halloween, several alphabets), few pads

  • watercolor pencils & chalks

  • stencils (shapes & letters), wavy rulers

  • wire (not many beads)

  • fibers (not a lot of ribbon)

  • xyron (the 'x' and the 5")

  • eyelet setter/mat (eyelets in primary colors & metallics, snaps in sherbert)

  • stickers, but never exactly what I want.

  • idea books and magazines

  • crimpers (corrugated, heart, star)

  • punches (1 1/4" square & circle, smaller square, small small circle, cloud, swirl, teddy bear, flower, border punch, candle, balloon, CM corner rounder)

  • gel pens, CM markers (thin [regular] & fat [regular, jewel tone, pastel])

  • label maker (blue, black, yellow, orange, red)

  • 12x12 patterned paper galore

  • 8.5x11 cardstock (neutrals, pastels, primary, jewel tone)

  • some vellum, mulberry paper

  • colored staples

  • buttons, round and shaped (school, halloween, pets)

  • page pebbles (heavy, white and blue)

  • shaped scissors

  • small CM paper cutter. I use a metal ruler and craft knife to cut larger than 5".

What you SHOULD bring:
  • pictures!

  • background paper or pages to scrap on

  • adhesive. i have glue sticks and a glue runner thing but i hate it.

  • larger paper cutter

  • anything not listed above that you want to share

  • your scrapbook(s), so we can see your work

  • something to drink (if you don't want milk, juice, coffee or diet dr. pepper)

  • a friend!! we'll make room for anyone who wants to come play.

No RSVPs necessary, unless you are bringing a large crew.
See you there!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Knowing the Mind of Jesus: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16


This week’s study covers 1 Corinthians 2: 6-16 and is titled “Knowing the Mind of Jesus.” We have been dutiful in sticking with our course of study as we examine God’s Word and how it has meaning in our lives, but this study branches beyond the Bible and deserves mention for two specific areas: the presence of the Holy Spirit and the glorious gift of salvation. No matter what troubles and tragedies may occur in our lives, Christians can be comforted by the knowledge that they are never alone. We are taught many things in life, but the knowledge gained from this week’s Scripture is definitely worth embracing.

Have you ever played ’20 Questions,’ a game where you try to guess what another person is thinking? A good strategy is to begin with broad questions to narrow the possibilities, and as you go on you get more specific. If you try hard enough and have an open mind, more times than not you will guess the object.
God’s Word, thankfully, is not a game, and we do not have to try to guess the meaning of the Bible. It can take longer for some people to figure it out, but if people attempt to understand it and keep their minds and hearts open, God’s glorious message of Life will shine brightly to all!
As visible as His Message is to some, it must be stated that many people simply do not see the Word of God. Not in the Bible, not within people around them, and not as a part of their daily lives. God and His Word is available, yet it may as well be a black rock in a gravel pit 5 million miles away from a non-believer of Jesus Christ.

1) Apprehending Christ’s Teachings (1 Cor 2: 6-8)
To apprehend Christ and His teachings is to understand one thing – God’s Will is for you to accept the Gift of Salvation. God wants you to accept His Son, Jesus Christ, and His Sacrifice upon the cross. The life-lessons taught by Jesus as recorded in the four books of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) cannot be fully grasped by a person not willing to first proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Now, people may know of Christ and of His teachings. Many brilliant people have studied the Bible as a history book. They certainly know about Christ the man. For all of this knowledge, the benefits, the wonderful meaning, falls upon deaf ears of those unwilling to accept Jesus and His life.
Ever wonder why kids (and some adults, for that matter!) do not like vegetables? They have never even tried them, yet they know veggies taste yucky. If kids would only give veggies an honest chance…take a small bite when nobody is looking. “Hmmm, not bad.” Now a bigger bite. “Wow! Way better than I thought!” What about people that will not give Christ a chance? Will not even open their heart and mind to the possibility He is who He said He was…If they are not willing to try, to give Him a chance, they will never apprehend the joy He can deliver, or the peace He can grant.

2) Acknowledging the Spirit’s Presence (1 Cor 2: 9-13)
Whitewater rafting is a phenomenal experience, yet unless you are skilled at operating a craft down raging rapids, it would be vital to have a professional guide along. Makes sense, right? I like to think of life as an adventure much like whitewater rafting. Stretches of calm and tranquility…beautiful scenery along the way…periods of fear and danger arising unexpectedly, and maybe even times of sadness and despair. We have no way to know what lies ahead for our lives, but we do have help available to us. We have a guide in the Word of God, in Jesus Christ’s teachings, and in the Holy Spirit.
God guides us if we let Him. It is a decision we must make ourselves, and it is one that is freely available to all. When we accept Christ, we begin to see what God has planned for us. When we acknowledge the Holy Spirit as a part of our lives and as our guide, we can behold the wonderful things in store for us because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice – the blessed assurance of eternal salvation, of a home in heaven forever.
Verse 13 speaks about words given to Paul. It is important to understand that Paul is not writing his words or opinions. No, he is being led by the Holy Spirit as he writes and shares God’s Word with us. Because all words written by man in the Bible are inspired by God and the Spirit within men (and women, possibly – it cannot be absolutely assumed that no women wrote Scripture), we can truly trust the Bible as being the actual Word of God. God’s Word can truly guide and lead us throughout every twist and turn in our lives.

3) Acquiring God’s Gift (1 Cor 2: 14-16)
Paul’s writings can oftentimes be confusing. Even for the ‘veteran’ Christian, the Epistles can be difficult to decipher. With this opinion in mind, please consider the following assessment of 1 Corinthians 2: 14-16: Non-believers cannot understand, while Christians are granted a power of understanding. The Holy Spirit shows Christians the depth and meaning of God’s Word and His Plan, and Christians are able to behold the gift of eternal salvation.
Paul’s words are obviously better written, but the basic message is the same any way you may look at it – it requires belief and faith to acquire God’s Gift. When we can look at the world around us with the blessed assurance of salvation within us, we begin to view situations and people differently. Our daily lives have more meaning and are not so daunting to face when we know what is in store for us through Jesus!
Please understand that a Christian is no better than a non-believer. In no way should a believer belittle one without faith. It is the duty of those that have acquired God’s Gift to share it with others in hopes that they, too, may come to realize what God has in store for them. It is the Christian’s duty to plant the seed, for Jesus will tend to it and nurture it to growth according to His Will.

You do not have to play games or solve riddles to know the mind of Jesus Christ. He wants us to know Him – to have faith and belief in Him and His teachings. When we accept Him we begin to understand that there is so much more to life than we could ever imagine. We are never alone, and we always have hope during times of trouble. Isn’t it great to know that we have assurances by which we can live our lives? In our church group, we believe in three basic truths:
1) We believe that God created the universe and has a plan for each person’s life.
2) We believe the Bible is the literal, living Word of God and speaks to those willing to listen and follow.
3) We believe that the only way to eternal life is by Salvation through the acceptance of Jesus Christ.

Because we have faith in Jesus, we can begin to understand Him, and He will begin to teach us, guide us, and share God’s Gift of salvation with us. Because we have ears that yearn to hear and eyes that strain to see, we know the answers. We don’t have to guess at them or try to figure them out.

Further Questions for Study:

· How can the average person hear God today? See Jesus Christ?
· What advice can you give somebody struggling in their daily living?
· Is it practical to acquire the gift of salvation and not try to share it with others? Why?
· List some of the ways you see God’s Word in action.

Next Study 7/30/06 “Guided by the Word” Psalms 119: 97-108